Karen Simpson - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Important Notice

Recent storms throughout the Commonwealth have impacted a number of our policyholders and Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance is committed to handling those claims as quickly as possible. If you have property damage as a result of these recent storms and you need to report a claim, please contact your local agent, call our claims hotline at 1-866-KFB-CLAIM (1-866-532-2524), or submit your first notice of loss inside the my.kyfb.com member portal.

Karen Simpson

Karen Simpson

Karen Simpson has been with our Harlan County Farm Bureau family since 2004. Karen enjoys making friends with our clients and helping them feel comfortable while meeting their insurance needs. She is a life-long resident of Harlan County, where she has proudly raised her son. When she isn’t at work, she enjoys going to church, spending time with friends and family, and watching Nascar races.