Why We’re Saying ‘That’s Enough’ – #DitchTheRule
Posted on Jun 25, 2014By Kacey Clay
Have you ever been asked to do something and before you could think about it you said yes? My husband and I were in that position recently.
A couple of months ago Missouri Farm Bureau contacted us with a “crazy idea” – creating a parody of the song “Let It Go” from the movie “Frozen.”
You could imagine the look on my face. I thought what for? Why? These and other questions were going through my mind.
Then the explanation came. The parody video was part of a broader a strategy to help raise awareness on an issue that just wasn’t being heard – the proposed “Waters of the U.S.” rule pushed by the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers.
Being on the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee we knew that more needed to be done to sound the alarm about the proposed rule, and how it would greatly expand strict control over private land that had never been regulated by the federal government.
Just like that, the video was a go. We jumped on board and I headed to the recording studio. It only took two hours to record the parody lyrics.
A few weeks later the camera guy came out to the farm. The kids put on their swimwear, I put on a dress and out to the field we went. With a little bit of patience and drawing on my old drama club skills, four hours later we had footage that we hoped would make a strong statement.
Bringing attention to this issue was definitely something we wanted to do and we’re seeing a difference. With close to 100,000 hits on YouTube, and a “Fox and Friends” interview, we are helping spread the word as quickly as we can.
The proposed waters rule will impact so many if implemented. Not only will farmers be affected, but home builders and many others too. There will need to be permits issued for certain everyday farm tasks. Many of you have an idea about how long it would take to get a permit from the government. Let’s just say our kids may never see it in the mail.
If the rules are not abided by anyone could be slapped with a $37,000 a-day-fine, definitely not feasible in any profession. Especially not farming.
So help us say “DITCH THE RULE!” Voice your opinion at http://ditchtherule.fb.org, share the link to “That’s Enough” and use #DitchTheRule on social media.
We have until Oct. 20 to let EPA and the Corps know what we think. The more voices they hear the better chance we have of ditching the rule.
Tagged Post Topics Include: #Ditchtherule, EPA, Frozen, Let It Go, Missouri Farm Bureau, Waterways