Thank a farmer: National Agriculture Day is March 25
Posted on Mar 14, 2014 “Farmers contribute so much to our nation’s prosperity and overall well-being that it just makes good sense to designate a day to celebrate their accomplishments,” said KFB President Mark Haney. “The tireless efforts of farmers ensure that our country enjoys a stable supply of high-quality, affordable food.”
Today’s farmers grow twice as much food as their parents did, but use less land, water and energy to do so. While the total number of farms in the United States has steadily declined over the years, agricultural production continues to meet the needs of a growing global population. Amazingly, about 90 percent of those farms are still operated by families or individuals today.
“Just a few generations ago most families were directly connected to farming. That is not the case today,” said Haney. “We need to make sure that all people, and especially our youth, understand the significant role that agriculture has in everyday life.”
To help that positive message of agriculture reach the youth of Kentucky during National Agriculture Day, volunteers from nearly 60 county Farm Bureaus are reading the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s 2014 accurate ag “Book of the Year” to elementary school students across the state. The book, “The Beeman,” written by retired Virginian elementary schoolteacher Laurie Krebs, introduces young readers to the lesser-known world of bees, beekeepers and the pollination process – and how it all relates to the world of agriculture.
Haney, who also operates an orchard and cattle farm in Pulaski County, said he hopes that such local activities as well as the overall promotion of National Agriculture Day will entice more people to educate themselves about what farmers do.
“Agricultural education should not just be for those who choose to pursue farming or agribusiness as a career,” concluded Haney. “A broader understanding of agriculture leads naturally to a greater appreciation of the safe and abundant food supply we have all come to enjoy.”
Additional information about the purpose, history and celebration of National Agriculture Day is available at
Tagged Post Topics Include: AFBF, Agriculture Council of America, Awareness, Book of the Year, KFB, Laurie Krebs, Mark Haney, National Agriculture Day, Pulaski County, The Beeman, Virginia