Rebecca Baker receives 2017 Women's Educational Grant - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Rebecca Baker receives 2017 Women's Educational Grant

Posted on Dec 1, 2017
Rebecca Baker (Right) Recieved the Women's Educational Grant, which was presented by Vickie Bryant (Left).

Louisville, KY (December 1, 2017) – Rebecca Baker of Mercer County is the recipient of Kentucky Farm Bureau’s (KFB) 2017 Women’s Educational Grant. The announcement was made at the organization’s 98th annual meeting, held at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville.

The $1,500 Women’s Educational Grant is awarded annually to a female non-traditional student who is interested in resuming her education after leaving school to fulfill either family or work-related responsibilities.

Baker began a career in teaching after graduating from Eastern Kentucky University in 2007. She would continue on the learning path by gaining her Master’s Degree in 2013 from the University of the Cumberlands.

She started teaching the 4th grade and then kindergarten. But a new opportunity has come along to allow her to teach at the pre-school level. To do so, she now needs to complete her Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Certification and Rank 1 degree. 

In addition to her fulltime job, Baker is married and has two teenage daughters. She said the grant will assist in getting her the additional rank. That will, in turn, help with finances and help her achieve her goal of increasing her quality of life but more importantly, the lives of her family.

“I am even more driven by a personal goal to be the best educator that I can be and to reach the level of a Rank 1 degree,” she said.


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