President's Column | Policy Development Prepares Us to Advocate - Kentucky Farm Bureau

President's Column | Policy Development Prepares Us to Advocate

Posted on Nov 5, 2021
KFB President Mark Haney

As most of you know, this is the time of year when Kentucky Farm Bureau readies itself for our annual meeting. It’s an exciting time as we gather together to conduct the business of this organization, adopting policy and setting priorities, as we prepare ourselves for the advocacy efforts of the coming year.

Just one year ago, we found ourselves facing an annual meeting like no other in that we conducted it completely by virtual means due to COVID-19 restrictions. And, while it was very different from a logistical standpoint, its purpose was unchanged, as it has been for over a century.

We have never failed to move forward in our operations as an organization, and have done so through wars, depressions, droughts, recessions, and yes, pandemics.

Throughout any given year, KFB county volunteer members are busy formulating policy recommendations to be sent to our State Resolutions Committee for consideration. This is a very important process by which we decide our position on a number of ag-related topics and set forth our priority issues for the new year.

We will take these priorities to Frankfort and Washington, D.C. to engage with our lawmakers on matters that are affecting or could affect farm families throughout our state. Often, these advocacy efforts stretch far beyond the farm gate as we reinforce our commitment to improve our communities for all citizens.

Many of the policy ideas that come from KFB members have gone on to become legislation, passed at state and national levels for the benefit of all Kentuckians, rural and urban, farm families and those who may have never been on a farm.

You see, what we do as an agriculture industry impacts everyone. We don’t take this obligation lightly, and this grassroots way of operating has, and will continue to serve us well in these efforts.

Just as we have faith that a planted seed will bring forth a productive crop each year, we have the same faith in the members of Farm Bureau, knowing that the seeds of policy development they plant will be productive, and move our organization and the agriculture industry we serve into the future.

All this work conducted throughout the past several months culminates in our annual meeting and it is truly amazing to watch this process come full circle each year, whether we are in person or on a computer screen.

Nothing can come between us and our service to the Commonwealth as we continue to stand as the Voice of Kentucky Agriculture.

As we prepare for this annual meeting, I want to thank our volunteer members for their dedication to this organization and the industry that supports us all, and I want to remind you how important the process is of developing solid policy we can hang our hats on.

The future of current and future farm families depends on how effective we are now as strong advocates for agriculture, for rural communities, and for all those who depend on the American farmer to provide the necessary food, fuel, and fiber none of us can do without.  

Mark Haney, President
Kentucky Farm Bureau


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