Kentucky FFA Members Excel at National FFA Convention
Posted on Nov 3, 2014Ruth Ann Myers of the Boyle County chapter was elected to serve as the National Eastern Region Vice President. Myers and five other National Officers will lead the 610,000+ member organization for the next year. During her year of service, she will travel over 100,000 miles and have the opportunity to speak to thousands of FFA members and interact with agriculture, education, and government officials. She is the twelfth National FFA Officer from Kentucky. Myers is a member of the Boyle County FFA Chapter and is a sophomore at the University of Kentucky where she is majoring in Agricultural Education.
Spencer County FFA won the Dairy Cattle Evaluation Career Development Event. Members of the Dairy Cattle Evaluation team included Jacob Barnett, Daniel Cooper, James Nichols, and Rachel Sibert. Jacob Barnett was the third high individual in Dairy Evaluation, James Nichols placed fourth, Rachel Sibert placed seventh, and Daniel Cooper placed eighth. FFA Advisor Bland Baird served as coach of the Dairy Evaluation team. This is the fifth time since 2006 that Spencer County has won the national Dairy Evaluation CDE.
Spencer County FFA was recognized as one of ten national finalists for the National Model of Excellence Award. Scott County FFA was recognized as one of ten national finalists for the National Model of Innovation Award in the area of Chapter Development.
The late Dr. David Coffey was honored with the VIP Citation by the National FFA Organization. Dr. Coffey, who passed away earlier this year, was a long time teacher educator at Western Kentucky University. Coffey had served on the National FFA Board and managed exhibitor registration for the National FFA Career Show.
State FFA Advisor Brandon K. Davis was named the Outstanding Young Member by the National Association of State Supervisors of Agricultural Education. This award is open to NASAE members who have served between three and five years in their current positions. Davis was also selected by his peers to represent them on the National FFA Foundation Board of Trustees for a three year term.
Zachary Plummer of the Fleming County FFA was named national winner in the Agriculture Mechanics Energy Systems Proficiency Contest. Plummer was recognized for the knowledge and skills he has developed through working at his father’s trucking company. He is in charge of maintenance on trucks and has also used a biodiesel processor to produce fuel from waste vegetable oil. His parents are Billy and Karla Plummer. His advisors are Tonya Phillips, Bobby Pease, Lucinda Pease, and Tracy Moran.
Eight other Kentucky FFA members were named as one of four national finalists in their respective proficiency award areas:
Lane Meredith, LaRue County- Ag Mechanics Repair & Maintenance Entrepreneurship
Samuel Perry, Spencer County- Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Placement
Sarah Warren, Jessamine County- Agriscience Research Animal
Caleb Brannon, Calloway County- Agriscience Research Plant
Tyler Goodlett, Spencer County- Emerging Agriculture Technology
Dillon Leondard, Spencer County- Fruit Production
Caleb Fulkerson, Spencer County- Landscape Management
Nicholas Dysinger, Spencer County- Poultry Production
Proficiency awards are based on a written application detailing the student’s accomplishments and learning related to his or her Supervised Agricultural Experience Program. National Finalists complete an in depth interview with industry leaders as part of the selection process.
Several Kentucky Career Development Teams placed in the top ten nationally:
- Central Hardin FFA placed third in the Agriculture Issues Career Development Event. Team members were Erin Masterson, Rebecca Mackey, Hannah Sharp, Leslie Langley, Madeline Boyd, and Kathryn Goodman.
- Spencer County FFA placed third in the Farm Management Career Development Event. Team members were Jacob Derudder, Ryan Linton, Ethan Michels, and Jacob Whitley.
- Kendall Horn of Spencer County FFA placed third in the Dairy Handlers Career Development Event.
- Coleman Stivers of Locust Trace placed fifth in the Job Interview Career Development Event.
- Spencer County FFA placed ninth in the Nursery Career Development Event. Team members were Kendall Clayton, Olivia Davis, Meaghan Devito, and Aaron Martin.
CDE Area | Rating | Chapter |
Agriculture Communications | Silver | LaRue County |
Agriculture Sales | Gold | Spencer County |
Agriculture Technology and Mechanical Systems | Silver | South Warren |
Agronomy | Silver | Spencer County |
Environmental and Natural Resources | Silver | Madison Southern |
Floriculture | Silver | Scott County |
Food Science | Silver | LaRue County |
Forestry | Silver | Montgomery County |
Horse Evaluation | Silver | North Hardin |
Livestock Evaluation | Bronze | Taylor County |
Marketing Plan | Silver | Spencer County |
Meats Evaluation | Silver | Spencer County |
Milk Quality and Products | Silver | LaRue County |
Parliamentary Procedure | Gold | Breckinridge County |
Poultry | Silver | Caldwell County |
Veterinary Science | Silver | Mercer County |
Creed Speaking Alexis Cherry South Warren Bronze Rating
Extemporaneous Caitlin Ross Mason County Bronze Rating
Prepared Public Karey Sellers Casey County Bronze Rating
Four Kentucky FFA members placed in the top three in the National Agriscience Fair. Lily Robertson of Franklin Simpson placed second in Social Systems Division Two. Jonah Brannon of Calloway County placed third in the Power, Structures, and Techinical Systems Division One.
Grace Clark and Taylor Coffee of Franklin Simpson placed third in Social Systems Division Three.
Other participants in the top fifteen included:
Environmental/Natural Resources Division 3- Abby Lyell and Alex Woods, Carlisle County
Food Products & Processing Division 3- Lyndsey Shelton & Bethany Shive, LaRue County
Food Products & Processing Division 4- Abby Eaton and Taylor Pinson, Franklin Simpson
Plant Systems Division 3- Emily Buntin and Kelci Keen, Franklin Simpson
Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Division 2- Jacob Fleming, Franklin Simpson
Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Division 3- Abigail Lanier & Allie O’Neal, Carlisle Co.
Social System Division 1- Rebekah Cowherd, Taylor County
Social Systems Division 4- Hilary Vaughn and Hunter Bowling, Franklin Simpson
The American FFA Degree was awarded to 99 Kentucky FFA members. This honor is the highest award the organization can bestow on a member.
Dexter Knight of Jessamine Career and Technology Center received the Honorary American Degree in recognition of his years of service as an FFA Advisor, State Staff member, and administrator.
Fifteen Kentucky FFA chapters were recognized in the National Chapter Contest. Bourbon County, Boyle County, Henderson County, LaRue County, Marion County, Nelson County, Scott County, and Spencer County were recognized as National Three Star Chapters. Fleming County, Jessamine County, John Hardin, Meade County, Rockcastle County, Russell County, and South Warren were recognized as National Two Star Chapter.
Lyndsey Overbee of Lee County FFA participated in the National FFA Talent Contest. Overbee placed in the top 15 overall.
Reagan Miller of South Warren and Avery Reynolds of Anderson County represented Kentucky in the National FFA Chorus.
The North Hardin FFA chapter represented Kentucky in the National Hall of States.
Press release courtesy of Kentucky FFA.
Tagged Post Topics Include: Boyle County, Brandon Davis, Calloway County, David Coffey, Fleming County, Jessamine County, Kentucky FFA, LaRue County, Louisville, Madison Southern, Montgomery County, National Association of State Supervisors of Agricultural Education, National FFA Organization, North Hardin, Ruth Ann Myers, Scott County, South Warren, Spencer County, Taylor County, Western Kentucky University, Zachary Plummer