Presidents & Vice Presidents in Louisville - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Kentucky Farm Bureau County Presidents and Vice Presidents Attend Conference in Louisville

Posted on Feb 13, 2019

Every year, hundreds of leaders from county Farm Bureaus across the state gather in Louisville for the annual Presidents and Vice Presidents Conference.  The conference provides these volunteer leaders with an opportunity to hear from Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) leadership on many of the issues that affect their local organizations each day.  The statewide group comes together to learn and to exchange ideas about making their Farm Bureaus even more successful. 

Kentucky Farm Bureau County Presidents and Vice Presidents Attend Conference in Louisville

The conference provides a unique networking opportunity by bringing several local leaders to the stage to discuss topics of importance and interesting ideas and achievements from their respective counties.  Over the years, the networking process at this conference has proven to be beneficial to countless Farm Bureau volunteer leaders and provides them with an excellent opportunity to gain ideas for new projects and events in their own communities.

This year’s panel discussion brought leaders from Breckenridge, Bourbon, Elliott, Lewis, Madison, and Pulaski Counties to discuss their events and community involvement all relating to the theme of “Why Farm Bureau: The Cornerstones of KFB in Action”.

In addition to legislative updates, remarks from KFB leadership provided attendees with updates about the KFB Centennial celebration and KFB Insurance. The keynote speaker, Dave Davlin, also provided inspirational thoughts and ideas to the group.

“This conference provides an outstanding opportunity for our County Presidents and Vice Presidents to visit with one another, to spend time reflecting on positive experiences and ideas, and to share what has worked in their communities to make their county Farm Bureau successful. There is so much we can all learn simply from taking time to visit with each other,” remarked Mark Haney, President of Kentucky Farm Bureau. “This is an outstanding conference because it reminds us all of the incredible things we can achieve together,” he added.


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