Hawaii Anti-GMO Bill: TAKE ACTION NOW - Kentucky Farm Bureau


Posted on Mar 21, 2013
The Hawaii Legislature will vote Thursday, March 21 on HB 174, a bill that would mandate labeling requirements and import restrictions on all imported genetically engineered products.

You may not be aware, but Hawaii is the source of the majority of GM hybrid seed corn for the United States and much of the world. Producers would be directly impacted if this bill is passed. Thursday at 9:00 AM, Hawaii time (3:00 PM Eastern/2:00 PM Central), legislators will vote on the very poorly written and precendent setting GM labeling bill. Many thought the bill was dead, but over the course of the past 24 hours, the political environment in Hawaii took a series of unexpected turns, mostly due to an extensive, and aggressive campaign by activists supporting the measure. Hawaii Farm Bureau has been advised by state Senate and House leaders that a goundswell of opposition, via email, needs to be generated to counter the expected deluge coming from activists supporting HB 174. For perspective, activists are driving between 300-500 emails per day to legislators in Hawaii.

We have been asked to make our voices heard by going to the Hawaii Legislature Online Testimony page and posting our opposition to this legislation. The link above is a direct link to the page where you can enter your opposition to HB 174.

Once on the Hawaii State Legislature page, enter HB 174 in the Bill Status/Measure Status box and click "Go". You will then be directed to a page for HB174 HD2 where you should click "Submit Testimony". That will take you to the page where you will need to enter your name and email address. Once you enter your name, email address and verify your email address all you really need to do is click the "Oppose" option in the Testifier Position box. If you choose to add additional comments you can, but it is not necessary. Click "Next" then check the "I understand and agree to the terms above" box and click "Submit Testimony" to submit your oppositon to HB 174.

It is imperative you submit your opposition before noon, Eastern time, tomorrow (Thursday, March 21) for your voice to be heard.

Click on Hawaii Legislature Online Testimony now to oppose HB 174!

For more information:

Joe Cain Director, National Affairs & Political Education joe.cain@kyfb.com

Tagged Post Topics Include: GMO, Hawaii, HB174, Regulation


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