Farm Bureau reaches out to storm victims - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau reaches out to storm victims

Posted on May 21, 2013
Throughout much of the history of this great state, the family members of Oklahoma Farm Bureau have worked together, sharing the joys, and the sufferings that accompany everyday life.  We are a statewide family with offices in all 77 counties to serve Oklahomans.  The horrific storms serve as another reminder of how important it is to help each other when tragedy strikes.

The Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Affiliated Companies’ main office at 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City, will serve as a collection point for donations to those affected by the storms.   Critical items needed are bottled water, sports drinks, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, individually wrapped snack food, diapers, baby formula and work gloves.  Clothing does not appear to be needed at this time.  Beginning Wednesday, May 22, there will be a trailer on the west side of the building for donations that our staff will distribute to appropriate relief organizations.

This is not a one day or even a one week event.  The trailer will be available for as long as needed.

The family members of Oklahoma Farm Bureau respectfully request your prayers and compassion during this time of need for our fellow Oklahomans.

Source: Courtesy of Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Tagged Post Topics Include: Aid, Disaster, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Storms


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