County Farm Bureaus honored for innovative programs
Posted on Oct 22, 2013
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 22, 2013–Twenty-four county Farm Bureaus nationwide were recognized by the American Farm Bureau Federation for innovative program ideas in this year’s County Activities of Excellence Awards program. The winners will be highlighted during AFBF’s 95th Annual Convention, Jan. 12-15, 2014, in San Antonio.

“Grassroots members who join at the county level are the heart and soul of Farm Bureau,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “The innovative ways they reach out in their communities with information about today’s food and farming shows they are eager to engage and share their stories of agriculture,” he said.
This year’s CAE award winners come from 15 states: Alabama, California, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. The winners are:
Sharing Agriculture in Education: Books, Red Barns and Blue Jackets, Walker County, Ala.; Agricultural Fair, Lee County, Ala.; AgVenture Farmers’ Market Program, San Joaquin County, Calif.; Breakfast at the Bureau, Glenn County, Calif.; 5K Milk Run/Walk, New Castle County, Del.; Legislative Affairs: Committee on Building & Grading Permits, Anne Arundel County, Md.; Agmazing 500, Randolph County, Ill.; and ImAGination Acres, Marshall-Putnam County, Ill.
Also, Passport to the Farm Camp, Cook County, Ill.; Bushels for Backpacks, Rooks County, Kan.; Farm Machinery Consignment Auction, Fayette County, Ky.; AGstravaganza, LaRue County, Ky.; Ag Day @ The Fair, Nelson County, Ky.; Agriculture: How Sweet it Is, Steele County, Minn.; Where Does Your Pizza Come From?, DeKalb County, Mo.; and Harvest Hustle 4 Mile Run/Walk, Marion County, Ohio.
Also, Breakfast on the Farm, Franklin County, Ohio; Agriculture Plastics Recycling Program, Carroll County, Ohio; Farm Bureau Farm Rescue Program, Highland County, Ohio; Coquille Valley Land Acquisitions/Save Family Farms, Coos-Curry County, Ore.; Third Grade Ag Tour, Mifflin County, Pa.; Ag + Art Tour, York County, S.C.; 2013 AG Tour, Cherokee County, Texas; and Farm Bureau Fish Fry, Dodge County, Wis.
For more information on the 24 winning county programs contact John Torres, AFBF director of leadership development, at (202) 406-3738 or
Tagged Post Topics Include: Alabama, California, County Activities of Excellence, Delaware, Fayette County, Illinois, John Torres, Kansas, Kentucky, LaRue County, Maryland, Minnesota, Nelson County, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin