Commissioner Comer honors Kentucky Farmers' Markets - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Commissioner Comer honors Kentucky Farmers' Markets

Posted on Jul 30, 2015
Frankfort, Ky. – Kentucky’s farmers’ markets always show their appreciation to their customers, but next week they’ll kick it up a notch. Agriculture Commissioner James Comer has proclaimed Aug. 2-8 Farmers’ Market Week in Kentucky.

James-Comer_main“Farmers’ markets offer farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, unique products made from old family recipes, meats from livestock raised on a family farm, and many other great farm products,” Commissioner Comer said. “Farmers’ markets also enable consumers to meet the farmers, get to know them, and learn more about how the food was produced. And they provide consumers an opportunity to help farmers earn a living.”

During Farmers’ Market Week and throughout the month of August, many Kentucky farmers’ markets have special activities and events scheduled to celebrate and show their appreciation to their customers. Market events include food sampling, drawings, giveaways, live music, silent auctions, contests for kids, and cooking demonstrations.

Kentucky has 160 farmers’ markets in 107 counties registered with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and approximately 2,700 participating vendors. Kentucky farmers’ markets recorded more than $12 million in sales in 2014.

“Farmers’ markets have become a valuable resource for fresh, nutritious food for customers who receive federal nutrition assistance benefits such as the WIC and Senior Farmers’ Market food vouchers and now SNAP benefits,” said Sharon Spencer, the KDA’s farmers’ market specialist.

To find a Kentucky farmers’ market, visit the Kentucky Proud website at and click on “Farmers’ Market Directory” in the “Promotional Programs” menu. To find out more about Kentucky farmers’ markets, including the Farmers’ Market Manual, sampling guidelines, and other information, go to or contact Sharon Spencer at (502) 782-4127 or

Customers and vendors are encouraged to share their farmers’ market experiences on Facebook at and on Twitter @kyproudofficial, and please include #KYProud.

Source: Kentucky Department of Agriculture Press Release

Tagged Post Topics Include: Agriculture Commissioner, August, Farm-Fresh, Farmers, Farmers' Market Directory, Farmers' Market Mannual, Farmers' Market Week, Fruits, James Comer, KDA, Kentucky, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Farmers Market, Kentucky Proud, KY, Ky Proud, Market Specialist, Promotional Programs, Senior Farmers' Market, Sharon Spencer, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Vegetables, WIC


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