Butler County Farm Bureau Honored as Kentucky Farm Bureau's 2018 "Top County"
Posted on Nov 30, 2018Recognized for outstanding programming and for having a positive impact on both the community and its membership, Butler County Farm Bureau was honored as Kentucky Farm Bureau’s (KFB) “Top County” in 2018.

Volunteer leaders from Butler County received the award at a recognition breakfast held this morning during the 99th KFB annual meeting at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville.
The “Top County” announcement headlined nearly 70 membership program and insurance honors presented during an awards breakfast this morning. Butler County, which has 2,058 members and a variety of successful service programs, was also honored as the most outstanding in the membership category for counties with 2,600 or fewer members. Breckinridge County (2,964 members) received recognition among the counties with 2,601 to 4,200 members, and Hopkins County (5,754 members) won top honors among counties with more than 4,200 members.
In other award presentations:
Top County Farm Bureaus were designated in all eleven of Kentucky Farm Bureau districts. The recipients were: Bath, Butler, Campbell, Cumberland, Fleming, Garrard, Harlan, Hopkins, Logan, Shelby, and Trigg.
Henderson, Mason, and McCreary Counties received Top Growth Awards for having the largest percentage of membership gain from 2018.
Pacesetter Awards were given to counties in the three membership size classifications that were the first to achieve a membership gain during the year. The large county award went to Breckinridge County, followed in size by Mason and Henderson Counties.
11 counties won honors for having the highest member retention totals in their districts. Those winners were: Adair, Breckinridge, Floyd, Franklin, Garrard, Green, Hickman, Knott, Lewis, Nelson and Todd Counties.
Wayne County was honored for having 55 consecutive years of membership growth.
Hickman County was recognized as the Most Improved County Farm Bureau.
Three awards were given for most effective county Farm Bureau information programs. Mercer County won first place, Daviess County was second and Logan County was third.
67 Counties won the awards for policy growth and profitability produced by their local Farm Bureau agencies. Allen, Clinton, Fleming, Harlan, Jefferson, and Lyon counties came closest to the growth goal set for that county.
Kentucky Farm Bureau, with over 473,000 member families statewide, is the state’s largest general farm organization. Approximately 2,000 members attended KFB’s 99th annual meeting in Louisville, November 28 – December 1, to recognize this year’s individual and organizational achievements and adopt policy for 2019. To view all the updates released from this year’s annual meeting, visit KYFBNewsroom.com.
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