Advocacy is at the Heart of What We Do - Kentucky Farm Bureau

Advocacy is at the Heart of What We Do

Posted on Nov 6, 2023

As our organization prepares for another annual meeting, I recall the first one I attended many years ago. It was amazing to me to see so many people focused on being a part of our policy-setting process.

It put me on a course that has led me to this point in time, as I prepare to address this year’s meeting as president of Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) for the last time.

For the past 15 years, it has been an honor to step to the podium and look out over the crowd at the many members who have devoted a big part of their lives to this organization and to an industry that is essential to us all.

During those years, I have always emphasized how important it is to be diligent advocates for our agriculture industry, continuing our efforts as members to have our voices heard when it comes to issues that affect our farms and rural communities. Advocacy is at the heart of what we do.            

You have always answered the call and in doing so, KFB is recognized at all levels of government as the Voice of Agriculture.

We have a seat at the table when issues are being discussed and I would urge you to never take that for granted. We must never cease to be that voice as we face challenges, and work together to create opportunities for our farms and the places we call home.

More than 100 years ago, the founding leaders of KFB set a precedent in that a grassroots way of operation would serve us well. And it has. It is our members who adopt policy and lay the groundwork for our priorities each year.

It is you, our members, who provide the foundation of this organization at your local level that supports our efforts of advocacy from your communities to the halls of Congress.

It is you who commits time, effort, and energy to serve this organization, the many initiatives that build up your communities, and the agriculture industry, as a whole.

To say “thank you” for your support through the years is simply not enough to show how much you all have meant to me.

So, in looking to our annual meeting coming up soon, I would ask this of you. Please continue to move KFB and agriculture forward. While we have made great strides in ag-related policy over the past several years, we are at a critical time for this industry.

As discussions continue about the Farm Bill, we must have our voices heard to ensure this legislation contains the rules and regulations that are of benefit to agriculture, and our rural way of life.

We must continue to speak out about government overreach that has the potential to affect our farms in a negative way.

And we should always work together to ensure this organization continues its mission. This is an important annual meeting as we elect new leadership, adopt policy, and celebrate our efforts of the past year.

I look forward to seeing every one of you and I know it will be as much of an amazing experience this time, as it was the first time.


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