About Us - Kentucky Farm Bureau

About Us


President   Julie Hammond
Vice President   Ray Tucker
Secretary   Darren Wills
Treasurer   James Tucker
Farm Bureau Women's Chair   Debbie Rothenburger
Young Farmer Chair   Zach Bennett


Ethan Bailey   Bagdad
Cody Bain   Mt. Eden
Josh Ballard   Shelbyville
Melissa Ballard   Shelbyville
John Bradshaw   Waddy
Emily Buckler   Pleasureville
Nate Buckler   Pleasureville
David Case   Pleasureville
Paul Case   Pleasureville
Shelia Case   Pleasureville
Vicky Case   Pleasureville
Justin Courtney   Bagdad
Matthew Darst   Waddy
Kaitlin Eades   Shelbyville
Roger Early   Shelbyville
Amanda Gajdzik   Shelbyville
Matt Gajdzik   Shelbyville
George Goetzinger   Bagdad
Guy Grubbs   Waddy
Alex Hagan   Shelbyville
Julie Hammond   Shelbyville
Spencer Hammond   Shelbyville
Nicholas Harbin   Shelbyville
Patrick Hargadon   Waddy
Paul Hornback   Shelbyville 
Griffin Huelsman   Shelbyville
James Insco   Shelbyville
Suzanne Insco   Shelbyville
Leslie Lafferty   Shelbyville
Samuel Lafferty   Shelbyville
Paul Langley   Shelbyville 
Eddie Mathis   Shelbyville 
Rocky Oliver   Waddy
Allen Phillips   Shelbyville
Nathan Poole   Shelbyville
Debbie Rothenburger   Shelbyville
Fred Rothenburger   Shelbyville
Daniel Rutledge   Shelbyville 
Katherine Tingle   Shelbyville
Larry Joe Tingle   Shelbyville
Gwyn Trumbo   Shelbyville
John Trumbo   Shelbyville
Gilbert Ray Tucker   Shelbyville 
Gilbert Tucker   Finchville
James Tucker   Shelbyville
Jeremy Tucker   Shelbyville
Nathan Tucker   Shelbyville
John Way   Shelbyville
Judith White   Waddy
John Wills   Shelbyville
Gene Witt   Shelbyville

KFB Spotlight

London's Cornett Farm Fresh Provides One-Stop-Shop with Local Flair
July 16, 2024
London's Cornett Farm Fresh Provides One-Stop-Shop with Local Flair

The market’s successes recently earned them a 2024 Pacesetter Award by the Kentucky Small Business Development Center.

Down the Backroads: The Bond of a Barn Family
July 16, 2024
Down the Backroads: The Bond of a Barn Family

It doesn’t matter whether you live on a farm or not, or show livestock or not, we can experience that expanded family feeling simply by being together, caring for each other, and helping out in times of need.

KFB President Eddie Melton: Advocating for the Ag Industry
July 16, 2024
KFB President Eddie Melton: Advocating for the Ag Industry

We must remain vigilant in our efforts to advocate for our industry especially in the toughest of growing seasons.