Distracted Driving
Kentucky is in our hearts, not just in our name. That’s why it’s important to us to help you navigate life’s mishaps. Welcome to Life’s Blueprints, a blog by Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance. Here, you’ll find information that will help keep you and your loved ones safe and savvy – whether you’re on the road or at home.

The Perfect Accident
Distracted driving is no laughing matter -- just ask Tareena Horton. On Valentine's Day in 2009, the Breckinridge County resident learned first-hand just how quickly an innocent distraction can turn into a life-altering event.

Combating distracted driving... with your phone?
Cellphone blocking technology removes the temptation of distracted driving altogether by prohibiting calls or texts while a vehicle is in motion.

Distracted driving has been around longer than you think
Early examples of distracted driving studies go back as far as 1963, when scientist John Senders took to the roads blindfolded – all in the name of research.

Automakers' response to distracted driving
The auto industry has taken notice of distracted driving. Some tools have already been invented to curb the effects, while other technologies are quickly developing from budding ideas to larger-than-life innovations.

What is distracted driving?
Today, the number of cellphones in the U.S. surpasses the country’s population. And according to a study by AT&T, 80 percent of people admit to using those cellphones while driving.