Life's Blueprints - Kentucky Farm Bureau

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Kentucky is in our hearts, not just in our name. That’s why it’s important to us to help you navigate life’s mishaps. Welcome to Life’s Blueprints, a blog by Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance. Here, you’ll find information that will help keep you and your loved ones safe and savvy – whether you’re on the road or at home.

Fallen trees: What's covered (and what's not) on your insurance policy

Fallen trees: What's covered (and what's not) on your insurance policy

Fallen trees, damages, and homeowners insurance, oh my! This list of FAQs may help you navigate what to do if a downed tree damages your – or your neighbor’s – property.

5 gadgets anyone can use for a safer, smarter home

5 gadgets anyone can use for a safer, smarter home

Embracing smart home technology can seem incredibly daunting at first, but through simple, app-based controls, professional installation services, and affordable price points, anyone can make their home a little more intelligent.

7 tips to reduce your home heating costs during winter

7 tips to reduce your home heating costs during winter

Your wallet will thank you for reading up on these quick and simple energy efficiency tips.

Frozen pipe prevention 101

Frozen pipe prevention 101

Frozen water can wreak havoc on metal or plastic pipes, no matter their strength. According to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, a 1/8th inch crack in a pipe can spew up to 250 gallons of water a day!

How to properly prepare your home for winter weather

How to properly prepare your home for winter weather

Proper maintenance protects the longevity of your home. Tackling a few seasonal chores in the fall may help save you from a costly winter disaster.

Do you have a live Christmas tree? Here's one way you can recycle it

Do you have a live Christmas tree? Here's one way you can recycle it

Through a program called “Christmas for the Fishes,” the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife (KDFW) collects discarded Christmas trees to create fish habitats.